Pic from Barnardo’s stock images.
Hello all.
Here is an exclusive report for Reuters on our much delayed anti poverty strategy...
READ here: Northern Ireland government taken to court over anti-poverty strategy delay
I also did some further interviews which you can read here:
The case is being taken in the name of the Committee on the Administration of Justice, with support from The PILS (Public Interest Litigation Service) Project.
CAJ worked collaboratively with the NI Anti Poverty Network, Barnardo’s and UNISON, as part of the Equality Coalition they are all members of, to bring this action.
The PILS Project supports public interest cases on human rights and equality.
In the CAJ case it has facilitated pro bono support through its barrister network, and provided financial support through court fees.
PILS interim director and solicitor Kate Barry said: “The government has agreed to implement a strategy and committed itself to it statutorily, similar to integrated education and the Irish language. A lot of public money is being spent defending these cases.
“There is a failure to tackle the widening poverty gap in the north.
“Where the Executive commits to carry something out it is a legitimate expectation that it does so.
“The commitment is now over 17 years old and we have been here before when CAJ brought a case nine years ago.
“The government is prevaricating on what shouldn't be a controversial strategy to tackle poverty.”
She added: “CAJ has put so much time and commitment into this case because they understand the strategy’s importance, in there being a coordinated Executive response to the poverty issue not a piecemeal approach.
“PILS provides support to CAJ because charities and other NGOs have a lot on their plate trying to provide services so we are holding the Executive's feet to the fire, but we shouldn’t have to constantly be in this place.”
Chair of the Anti Poverty Strategy Group, and Barnardo's policy and public affairs lead, Trása Canavan, said: "A strategy is not just a nice to have. The Executive is legally obligated to deliver one as well as there being a clear moral obligation to deliver an anti poverty strategy for the people who have been failed for so long. The work has been done we just need to press go on it so to see this held back by Minister Lyons is so disappointing.
”We have no strategic plan in place to take action on poverty and change anything for the communities and families who are facing the reality of poverty every single day.
”We can't rely on the community and voluntary sector to keep plugging the gaps and keep everyone's head above water.
”Stormont needs to stop tinkering around the edges of this issue. They pay a lot of lip service to poverty. They can take action and they haven't.
Poverty is a solvable problem. We can do something about it today so the public can only conclude that the government is choosing not to, and that there is a lack of recognition of the reality of poverty in Northern Ireland from those in power.”
And here is the department’s statement in full….
A Department for Communities spokesperson said: “The Northern Ireland Executive Anti-Poverty Strategy, currently in development, will aim to mitigate impacts, reduce the risk of falling into poverty and support people in exiting poverty. It will set out a cross-departmental commitment to a joined-up, long term approach to addressing poverty.
“The Department is currently engaging with colleagues across all other Departments to refine the draft strategy and the action plan that will underpin it with a view to a paper being presented to the Executive in the coming weeks.
“Alongside this, the Department continues to provide a wide range of supports and services to those in need. We would continue to urge everyone to check their benefits’ entitlement through our Make the Call service.
“Make the Call is a free and confidential service which is open to all. Contact Make the Call on Freephone: 0800 232 1271. (Phone lines are open Monday to Friday from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm (excluding public holidays) or by email. Further details are available on NI Direct.”